The folks at Mynah Technologies with their Mimic simulation software, virtual I/O network gateways, PLC I/O interfaces and host of drivers for the DeltaV system continue to build conversations through their forums and experts blogs within the forum. Recently Dr. Aleksandr Muravyev a simulation consultant created a Mimic Distillation Modeling package to simplify software acceptance testing and operator training around distillation columns.
Dr. Muravyev joins the automation blogging fray with this post about this distillation modeling package. If you have experiences with this product (or even if you don’t) feel free to join in the conversation. It’s a forum so you’ll need to register first.
I did ask the Mynah folks if the forum software they are using supports RSS feeds so I could get these updates coming to me instead of going out and seeking it. It does and they will soon be adding this functionality.
That’s a great thing as some RSS readers like Google Reader support both regular and mobile viewing. It means I can keep up with the automation and technology bloggers whenever a have some spare moments. From playing with the various RSS readers, I seem to be gravitating to using Outlook 2007‘s embedded RSS reader for my Emerson intranet-based RSS feeds and Google Reader for external RSS feeds. How about you?