Happy New Year everyone! I hope your holidays helped to recharge your batteries and get you off to a great start for 2018. I saw this exchange in my email over the holidays about the effects of using low-bleed relays with Fisher DVC6200 digital valve controllers for...
digital valve positioner
Positioner Pneumatic Pressure Bleed in Throttling Control Valves
With the emphasis on improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, process manufacturers have turned to pneumatic low-bleed and zero-bleed valve positioners. Emerson's Riyaz Ali copied me on an email about a recent article that mentioned a...
Setting Up and Calibrating Valve Positioners
Short videos are great ways to show how to perform an activity, such as calibrating a valve's actuator to move the valve stem based on the 4-20mA signal it receives from the control system. In this under 5-minute "how-to" video, Emerson's Alex Quah Shu Min...
Positioner-Only Configuration on Digital Valve Controller
I wanted to share a quick question and answer in an email exchange in case you may have a similar question sometime down the road. The original question was: The Project is about installing two manual Fisher control valves but we want to modify it to include obtaining...
Does Flow Loop Make Valve Positioner Unnecessary?
In the Process Control LinkedIn group, a question was asked: Positioners seem very popular now, but most lines with valves have flow meters attached. Won't a flow loop make the positioner redundant? When asked for clarification, the original poster explained: As far...
Automating Manual On-Off Valves
Unless your plant or production facilities was recently built, chances are that your process has a mix of automatic and manual control. A common area for manual control are on-off valves used in many general purpose applications such as tank filling and emptying,...
Proactive Maintenance and Award-Winning Performance
You may have seen the news of the 2013 HART Plant of the Year noting: HART technology has helped reduce production downtime related to control valve failures… We use the HART signal to monitor real time valve conditions which has helped with identifying problems...
Safety Valve Positioners and Common Cause Failure Questions
If you work with pumps in your facility, you may be familiar with the Empowering Pumps site, a wealth of information to help you with these important assets in your plant. Founder Charli K. Matthews has launched something similar for valves, Empowering Valves. I had...
Howto Video on Pneumatic Valve Positioner Mounting
I knew when my son went to YouTube before coming to me when he needed to learn how to tie a tie--that howto videos were valuable, easily discoverable, and broadly used. I've share examples such as How To Install Micro Motion 9739 MVD Electronic Modules on how process...
Providing Operators Process Control Valve Position Feedback
Control systems provide signals to control valves to regulate their position per the requirements of the control strategy. It is good engineering practice, especially for critical control valves to have valve travel feedback from independent devices such as position...
Field Device Local Display in Process Safety Applications
One of the great things about conferences such as last week's Emerson Exchange Americas conference is reconnecting face-to-face with people where some time has passed. I had the chance to connect with Emerson's Riyaz Ali, whose expertise I've highlighted in several...
Wireless Discrete Control Applications
Update: I received feedback that several portions of this post were incorrect and not current so after consulting with our team of experts, here’s a modified version of the post. Original post:Last week in a post, Wireless Device-Based Control Loops, we highlighted...
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