Welcome to our latest blog post. This time, we focus on common control valve repairing reasons businesses have and why successful ones have chosen to invest in proactive maintenance programs for control valves. As we dive deeper into the topic, we explore professional...

Posts by or with Scott Grunwald
Mitigating Shutdown, Turnaround, and Outage Issues
For the greatest odds of success, plants should plan STOs well in advance and employ the strategies discussed above to secure necessary parts and labor. Knowledgeable external partners can assist in evaluating plant needs, identifying required parts, and overseeing work within their areas of expertise.
The Top 4 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Improve Your Next Outage
Capturing the performance of the overall outage, measuring the effectiveness of the strategy, benchmarking for maintenance and reliability comparisons, and updating the customers’ documentation are crucial to the success of future events and plant operations between them. If overruns occurred, the source of those overruns should have already been approved prior to execution but should be part of the review process as well. This will be fed into the lessons learned documentation.
Identifying and Minimizing Fugitive Emissions from Control Valves
Control Valves would control ideally the process without any interface to the outside. Although, that’s not practical with today’s technology. Control valves are by design an interface between the process and the outside. This interface can cause some level of...
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