Do you ever get the feeling you have to know more and more to do your job?
Control magazine editor-in-chief, Walt Boyes, nails it in a recent blog post when he writes:
We need to be interdisciplinary generalists (wow, there’s a mouthful for you) that can do field devices, final control elements, loop control, advanced process control, networking and IT, cybersecurity, safety instrumented systems, plant security and after we master all of that, we’re going to find that it still isn’t going to be enough.
It’s a large part of what the Emerson Process Experts blog is all about. To highlight the Emerson people who are experts in these (and more) areas who can help.
As process manufacturing plants become smarter and more efficient as more systems and software are integrated and digital technologies are deployed, they also need the planning, engineering, commissioning, and ongoing support to get the most out of them. Most of the posts have discussed aspects of areas Walt mentions with the part of the plant lifecycle where experts have helped.
Now more than 100 posts into this blog, the offer from the inaugural welcome post stands:
Please email me, Skype me, or call me if there are particular people or topics that you would like in this blog.