A concern I’ve written about in this blog’s education category is that much knowledge in control theory and automation practices is disappearing as our “baby boom” generation begins to retire.
We are constantly trying new approaches to capture and present the knowledge for current and future automation professionals to discover. An example of this includes Terry Blevins and Greg McMillan’s ModelingAndControl.com blog.
Another example is the Process Control Insights area on the EasyDeltaV.com site which features application notes, lectures, and links to books written by Greg McMillan.
Greg just announced another project on which our team has been working again in the spirit of sharing the knowledge. Of one of his no-longer-in-print books, he wrote:
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Control Room is my favorite because it presented detailed results of solving tough process control problems in a creative way to help open minds to new possibilities and concepts. This book is out of print but thanks to Deborah Franke at Emerson Process Management, it can be viewed for free in its electronic form… [emphasis added]
This was a case of the publisher turning the copyright over to Greg after the book had been out of print for some time. Instead of collecting dust in a box somewhere, Deb Franke worked with Greg and led the effort to get the book published in the Process Control Insights area of the website.
Over time, we hope to add more works for current and future automation professionals to discover.