As the Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet of Things technologies continue to advance, opportunities to run plants more safely, reliably and efficiently advance as well.
At the Dell EMC World conference next week in Las Vegas, Emerson’s Mike Boudreaux will participate in two panel sessions. The first session on May 9 will be Keys to Successful Enterprise Internet of Things Initiatives moderated by Dell’s Kevin Terwilliger. The focus will be to help attendees:…learn from real customers who have successfully deployed enterprise IoT initiatives and achieved ROI! How do you develop a business case to get the project funded, what is the right architecture for your use case, and how do you make sure you are appropriately investing in securing the data? We will answer these questions and many other to provide a check list for IoT success.
The second session, also on May 9, is How The Internet Of Things Is Changing The Way We Work. The focus is on solutions that:
…can allow enterprises to unlock the potential of data to increase efficiency, reduce risk, improve customer experience, and allow workers to use better insights to achieve organizational goals. Learn about the impact that IoT will have on the way we do business and manage our work lives.
Mike will discuss how IIoT enabling technologies enable connected services where suppliers such as Emerson can provide remote experts to analyze data connected to IoT sensors and final control elements and provide guidance to spot problems early before they lead to potentially dangerous and abnormal situations.
By combining advanced technologies and expertise, plant operations can transform from reactive to predictive work practices. It all begins with a solid business case. What problems that have safety or economic impact can additional continuous monitoring and analysis help address?
Many times, wiring and installation difficulties were barriers preventing projects from moving forward. Wireless devices and secure, high performance edge computing have significantly lowered these barriers as well as advancements in secure, one-way data transport to remote experts.
The panel will discuss having security strategies which look at current IT security, identity, privacy and management practices to identify areas to strengthen. This review helps inform a design to establish and defend functional integrity at the edge including smarter edge architectural components.
Other elements of a well-designed IIoT security strategy are to protect data wherever it goes, select IoT hardware and software with care considerations from a security viewpoint, and have an ecosystem of technology partners to take a holistic view and provide a secure, layered approach.
If you’ll be at Dell EMC World next week and IoT is on your checklist to learn more about, make sure to catch these two panel sessions and see an example of an IoT solution with Emerson, Dell and OSIsoft technologies in action in the IoT exhibits.