Emerson Educational Services
Once you have chosen the classes you’d like to sign up for, as we showed you in our previous blog post on Emerson Educational Services, you can sign up using the following steps:
- Go to the MYCONNECT website
- Click on the SIGN IN button to the right of the Training by Brand/Category image.
- Select the training you want to take and click on it. Then click on Add to Cart.
- You can then either add more classes or Proceed to Checkout.
- Select your payment method from the dropdown box. If you are paying with a Purchase Order, enter the PO# in the reference field box and click Next. If you are paying with a credit card, enter your card information and click on the Next button.
- Before finalizing your order you will have a chance to review it before clicking on Place Order.
Finally, a confirmation screen will show. If you’ve paid by credit card, you will receive a confirmation email shortly afterwards. If you paid with a Purchase Order, you will be instructed to email or fax that PO to Emerson so we can complete the order and generate a confirmation email. And, as always, if at any time throughout the process you find yourself with questions, please call us at: +1 800-338-8158 or email at: [email protected]