Today’s pipelines operate quite stably and efficiently. Current standards and operating procedures have been built over decades and serve the industry well. This trend may not last, however, as the current transition toward renewables continues to gather steam. As...
Wie Automatisierung Endverbrauchern und Geräteherstellern helfen kann, die saubere Wasserstoffwirtschaft auszubauen
Wir befinden uns in einer sehr spannenden Phase für den globalen Wasserstoffmarkt. Brennstoffzellen, Elektrolyseure (Geräte, die Wasser in Wasserstoff- und Sauerstoffmoleküle aufspalten) und Tankstellen sind über das Prototypenstadium hinausgewachsen und bieten der Industrie Anreize, sich zu vergrößern. Die Konzentration auf nur einen Teil dieses Marktes, die Brennstoffzelle, verdeutlicht die Möglichkeiten: Die durchschnittliche jährliche Wachstumsrate (CAGR) des globalen Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellenmarktes wird für den Zeitraum von 2022 bis 2029 auf robuste 45,3 Prozent prognostiziert, mit einem prognostizierten Marktwert von 17,88 Milliarden Dollar in diesem Zeitraum.
Comment l’automatisation peut aider les utilisateurs finaux et les fabricants d’appareils à développer l’économie de l’hydrogène propre
Le marché mondial de l’hydrogène se trouve à un moment très excitant. Ayant largement dépassé le stade des prototypes de piles à combustible, d’électrolyseurs (les unités qui séparent l’eau en molécules d’hydrogène et d’oxygène) et de stations de ravitaillement, l’industrie est incitée à passer à l’échelle supérieure. Le fait de se concentrer sur une seule partie de ce marché, la pile à combustible, démontre l’opportunité : Le taux de croissance annuel composé (TCAC) du marché mondial des piles à hydrogène devrait atteindre 45,3 % entre 2022 et 2029, avec des projections d’une valeur de marché atteignant 17,88 milliards de dollars au cours de cette période.
Turn Excess Energy into Flexibility with H2
Whether it is utilities generating the electricity that powers homes and businesses around the globe, or more localized power facilities providing generation for industrial processing plants, such as oil cracking or chemical manufacturing, modern power generation is...
Boundless Automation will Drive the Future of Pipeline Operations
As the world seeks alternative fuel sources to increase sustainability, many companies are pursuing hydrogen as a potential candidate. The capabilities of hydrogen continue to show more and more promise, and it is becoming increasingly important to consider how it...
Comprehensive Hydrogen Injection Solution Enables Decarbonization of the Natural Gas Grid
Hydrogen is crucial for the European Union's energy transition, but to meet its targets, the industry needs to scale up production quickly and ensure there is the necessary infrastructure in place to provide transportation and distribution. The existing natural gas...
The Future of Green Hydrogen Blending is Boundless
With the new energy economy come big changes. We all know that energy sources can’t change overnight, so more and more producers and transporters—including those in natural gas—are looking closely at blending as a transitional technology. Today, much of the talk...
Beyond the Black Box: Unlock More Value from Green Energy Assets
There are very few topics getting as much attention today as renewable energy. From expanding wind farms and solar operations to green hydrogen technology, to electric vehicles and their impact on the grid and infrastructure, the face of how we generate and use power...
Industrial Software Helps Pipeline Operators Transition to More Sustainable Operation
Today, it’s not only the public calling for more sustainability commitment from industry. In many cases, investors are increasing their interest in companies’ sustainability plans as well, leading more and more organizations to make very public commitments to reaching...
Going Boldly Into a Green Hydrogen Future
Of all the new sustainable technologies emerging in the energy marketplace, one of the most exciting is green hydrogen. In an era of increasing focus on sustainability, green hydrogen has the potential to provide clean power for manufacturing, transportation, and...
Decarbonizing Heavy-Duty and Commercial Transport with Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology
Heavy-duty and commercial transport are notorious for their significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in the European Union, where they account for a staggering 27% of total road transport emissions. However, there’s a promising solution on the horizon that’s set to revolutionize this sector – hydrogen fuel cell technology.
Modern Pipeline Engineering Requires the Best Software
Pipeline operations are vastly different than they were just five or ten short years ago. One key area in which this is true is in the rise of renewables and sustainability. Today’s pipelines are moving new products like hydrogen or carbon dioxide (CO2) from carbon...
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