Emerson’s Marcio Donnangelo and Marcelo Dultra presented Reducing Data Complexity on Affirmative Defense Claims with PRV Monitoring System at the 2022 4C HSE Conference.
Posts by or with Marcelo Dultra
Pressure Relief Valve University at the 4C Conference
Here are notes from a detailed class on pressure relief valves (PRVs) conducted by Emerson’s Dean Barnes, Warren Booth, Ricardo Garcia, Marcio Donnangelo, Marcelo Dultra, and Mo Fazl.
What are Bellows in Pressure Relief Valves?
The Bellows Leak Detection solution is a safer and more efficient method for detecting bellows failures and emissions. It consists of a backup piston and a Rosemount™ wireless or wired pressure transmitter.
Reducing Emissions from Vessels, Valves, and other Equipment
Marcel Dultra, Dan Myers, and Emily Thomas of Emerson recently published an article in the September 2022 issue of Valve World Americas. It is titled “Greening Process Equipment One Device at a Time” and it discusses a host of recently introduced technologies designed to significantly reduce emissions.
PRV Digital Transformation Byte-by-Byte
Marcelo Dultra, Process Industry Director at Emerson, recently published the Cover Story for the June 2021 issue of Valve World. The Cover Story describes how digital technology is being applied to pressure relief valves to reduce emissions, monitor performance, and save money.
Innovations in Personnel and Process Safety
Safety—both personnel and process safety—are always top concerns for manufacturers and producers. At the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series, Emerson’s Ed Schodowski, Meha Jha, Mike Hoyme and Marcelo Dultra shared a panel to discuss innovations in personnel and process safety for refiners and chemical producers.
Continuously Monitoring Overpressure Devices
In a Processing article, Monitoring pressure relief valves as part of a digital ecosystem reduces cost and improves performance, Emerson’s Marcio Donnangelo and Marcelo Dultra describe how continuous monitoring “can identify when pressure incidents happen while monitoring valve conditions to simplify maintenance programs.”
Simplifying Pressure Relief Valve Lifecycle Management
In this quick, 2:36 YouTube video, Asset Management Tags (RFID) on Pressure Relief Valves, Emerson’s Marcelo Dultra discusses how these asset management tags help improve performance in maintenance and operations.
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