Raffinerien, Chemieanlagen, Ölplattformen und Kraftwerke können besonders gefährliche Umgebungen sein, und die Unternehmen, die sie betreiben, sind daher ständig bestrebt, die Sicherheit ihres Personals zu optimieren.
Location Awareness
El sistema de localización del personal protege a los trabajadores en los entornos peligrosos
Las refinerías, las plantas químicas, los pozos petroleros y las plantas de energía pueden ser entornos especialmente peligrosos y, por lo tanto, las compañías que los operan trabajan continuamente para optimizar la seguridad de su personal.
Système de géolocalisation pour la protection du personnel dans les environnements dangereux
Les raffineries, les usines chimiques, les plates-formes pétrolières et les centrales électriques peuvent constituer des environnements particulièrement dangereux. Les entreprises qui les exploitent s’efforcent donc d’optimiser la sécurité de leur personnel.
Il sistema di localizzazione del personale protegge i lavoratori in ambienti pericolosi
Raffinerie, impianti chimici, piattaforme petrolifere e centrali elettriche possono essere ambienti particolarmente pericolosi, pertanto le aziende che li gestiscono cercano sempre di ottimizzare la sicurezza del loro personale.
Personnel location system safeguards workers in hazardous environments
Refineries, chemical plants, oil rigs and power plants can be particularly hazardous environments and the companies that operate them are therefore continually striving to optimise the safety of their personnel.
Reducing Emergency Response Times
This week at the EHS (Environmental, Health & Safety) Seminar in Galveston, Texas, Emerson’s Michael Machuca presented Digital Solutions to Reduce Emergency Response Time.
Reducing Personnel Emergency Response Times
Jacob Tardoni presents Mapping an Evacuation in Real-Time—Digital Mustering with Wireless Personnel Location Technology at the 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting. It explored barriers to speedy evacuation & mustering and how to apply digital mustering technology to address and overcome these barriers.
Driving Safety Improvements Through Location Monitoring
In a Safety Solutions article, Improve plant safety with location monitoring technology, Emerson’s Bala Chinnappan shares another use case, tracking the path of individuals that have tested positive for infectious diseases, such as COVID.
Episodio 37: Geolocalización una herramienta para gestionar seguridad y producción
Tres de nuestros especialistas internacionales nos comparten su visión sobre soluciones de geolocalizacion y gestión de personal en el campo. Hablaremos de los beneficios y las consideraciones para su implementación.
How Industrial Facilities Are Prioritizing Safety with Advanced Location Technology
Enabled by WirelessHART® technology, advanced location technology offers an added level of safety for at-work employees, visitors, and contractors. Learn how a site-specific location solution streamlines safety processes while addressing up to 70% of recordable injuries.
Improving Mining Personnel Safety Performance
Safety is of paramount importance in mining operations—both personnel and process. But what role can today’s rapidly advancing technologies play? From a personnel safety standpoint, miners need identification of personnel in case of emergency with access control and record of working hours inside the mine.
Personnel Location Awareness for Safer Operations
This short 2:13 YouTube video, Introduction to Location Awareness, shows how Emerson’s Location Awareness solution can keep personnel safe through the digital transformation of safety practices and systems.
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