Let's close this week with a few important announcements. The first is that abstracts for the September 27 - October 1, 2010 Emerson Exchange meeting in San Antonio, Texas are due this coming Monday, March 15. In spite of my last-minute ways, I have two workshops...
social media
A Call to Collaborate
The president of Emerson's Micro Motion Coriolis flow & density measurement business, Tom Moser, has a great article in the Jan/Feb edition of ISA's Intech magazine. The executive corner article, Online collaboration: A win for all of us, is a strong call to...
Get Out to the Surface
ISA's Intech magazine editorial staff asked me if I'd be interested in writing the Executive Corner column for this month's issue. The topic was to be about social media and what it means to companies. After a nanosecond of consideration, I eagerly agreed. The premise...
Gamechangers: How to Thrive in Chaos
This week at the Emerson Exchange, Deb Franke and I are presenting, Gamechangers: How to Thrive in Chaos. Please visit the Exchange Resources area to see the presentation and the associated script. I'll be adding sound to the presentation later today. I'll update the...
Sparking Process Automation Usability Conversations
You may have seen the Sound Off! blog post, Welcome to the Process Automation Usability Project-- #PAutoUP. It announced: We have been working on a Web 2.0 Social Media enabled way for the process automation community to discuss, teach and learn about usability issues...
Find Answers through Your Social Network
In an earlier post, I discussed thought leadership as a reason you might consider using the people-to-people connecting social media applications like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, etc. This topic is one of the items Deb Franke and I will be sharing in our...
Establishing Thought Leadership
Attention 2009 Emerson Exchange (Sept 28-Oct 2) presenters--your presentations are due for review in a mere two weeks (June 26). This fact jolted me more than my typical few cups of coffee this morning. I huddled with Emerson's Deb Franke to flesh out our Thriving in...
Should Engineers be Social or Not?
A colleague pointed me to this provocatively titled article, Social media: Why engineers should be anti-social, on the Control Engineering website. It reports: A recent survey says that IT departments are having arms twisted to relax cyber security rules and allow...
Finding Answers Faster, Connecting with Others
I came upon these statistics on the growth of social media applications, often dubbed Web 2.0: Propelled by the growth of Facebook Inc. and LinkedIn Corp., social networks are now more popular than e-mailing on the Internet, according to a Nielsen study. I mention...
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