On behalf of a South American refining professional, Emerson's Julie Valentine presented a case study, Impact of Refinery Mass Balance and Loss Control on Operational Excellence, at the 2019 AFPM Operations & Process Technology Summit. Here's the abstract from...

Posts by or with Julie Valentine
Digital Transformation in Health-Safety-Environmental Applications
Health, Safety & Environmental (HSE) experts in the manufacturing and production industries gathered recently here in Austin for the 4C Health/Safety/Environmental Conference. At this year's conference, Emerson's Marcelo Carugo, Julie Valentine and Marcio...
Improving Opportunity Crude Blending Operations
Opportunity crudes provide refiners with lower feedstock costs, but they must be carefully characterized and blended with other crudes to avoid problems during the refining process. These opportunity crudes are typically discounted from typical crudes because of the...
Achieving Improved Combustion Control for Fired Heaters is Easy, Right?
Control the Mass Flow of Fuel Gas with Coriolis Meters When you can control processes in refineries and petrochemical plants, you can better control the revenue generated by those facilities. The heat from fired heaters drives those processes, generating the steam for...
Optimized Blending Through Better Flow Measurement
In an earlier blending applications post, I mentioned some of the advantages of online/inline blending over traditional, batch-based blending. It's a process which crosses many industries including refining, pulp and paper, chemicals/specialty chemicals and food and...
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