In today's guest post, Emerson's Alan Novak, leader of the alternative energy industry team, revisits the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and its impact on the industry. The Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS), first signed into law as part of the Energy Policy Act of...
The Struggle of Alternative Fuel IPOs
Raising capital for biofuel producers is becoming more difficult as shared by Emerson's Douglas Morris of the alternative energy team in today's guest post. Over the past couple of years, there have been a number of companies that have issued IPOs [initial public...
US Energy Policy: What Happened to Advanced Biofuels?
Emerson's Douglas Morris of the alternative energy industry team highlights his impressions from this week's U.S. State of the Union address as it applies to alternative energy: Being that it's State of the Union time, I thought it would be curious to reflect on the...
Advanced Biofuels: Why Feedstock Neutrality Matters
Should we be picking the winning alternative energy feedstocks right now? Emerson's Douglas Morris explores this question in today's guest post. I'd like to start this blog post with a question: When you hear the term biofuels, what typically comes to mind? Chances...
A New Lifeline for Advanced Biofuels
Douglas Morris from Emerson's Alternative Energy team comments on the recent announcement by the U.S. government to use the Defense Production Act to spur the development of advanced biofuels. In the past year, the advanced biofuels industry has hit a bit of a rough...
Proving Brazilian Biofuel Processing Technologies
Douglas Morris from Emerson's alternative energy industry team discusses biofuel investment by multinational companies in Brazil. Biofuels, whether you are talking about the traditional or advanced variety, is a favorite topic for debate in the United States. Most...
Addressing the Challenges of the Renewable Fuel Standards Regulations
U.S. refiners have been changing the way they make the fuels we use every day as a result of federal regulations. Emerson's Patrick Truesdale and Chris Connor will present at the 2011 Emerson Exchange on the Renewable Fuel Standards 2 (RFS2). These regulations became...
Moving Renewable Energy Forward
As global energy consumption continues to rise, Emerson's Alternative Energy industry leader, Alan Novak, shares his thoughts on the role of consistent tax policy in growing the renewable power portion of the overall energy supply. The debate continues in the US over...
Financial Challenges in Scaling First of a Kind Technologies
Douglas Morris, who is part of Emerson's alternative energy industry team, discusses some of the financial challenges alternative energy producers face when scaling up first of a kind technology: Advanced biofuels are a strategic part of the 21st century's strategy to...
Ethanol in the Budget Spotlight
Emerson's Alan Novak, who leads the alternative energy industry team, highlights some of the recent happenings with regard to U.S. federal budget discussions and their impact on the ethanol production industry: The pending expiration of a long-standing ethanol support...
Advancing Biofuel Production
Emerson's director of alternative energy, Al Novak, appears in a recent Forbes magazine article, The Real Promise Of Advanced Biofuels. You may recall Al from prior alternative energy-related posts. He notes that more than 100 companies are working on many different...
Synthetic Fuel Production Goes Large-Scale
In a study by Hart Energy Consulting, they project: biofuels demand is still projected to grow by an impressive 133% by 2020 - primarily by government policies and market mandates. At the recent Emerson Exchange meeting in San Antonio, Texas, Emerson's Al...
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