
Come l’automazione può aiutare gli utenti finali e i produttori di dispositivi a scalare l’economia pulita dell’idrogeno

Come l’automazione può aiutare gli utenti finali e i produttori di dispositivi a scalare l’economia pulita dell’idrogeno

Siamo in un momento molto emozionante per il mercato globale dei carburanti a idrogeno. Superata la fase dei prototipi con le celle a combustibile, gli elettrolizzatori (le unità che separano l’acqua in molecole di idrogeno e ossigeno) e le stazioni di rifornimento, l’industria è incentivata a crescere. Concentrarsi su una sola parte di questo mercato, le celle a combustibile, dimostra l’opportunità: Il tasso di crescita annuale composto (CAGR) del mercato globale delle celle a combustibile a idrogeno è previsto a un robusto 45,3% tra il 2022 e il 2029, con proiezioni di un valore di mercato che raggiungerà i 17,88 miliardi di dollari in quel periodo.

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Decarbonizing Heavy-Duty and Commercial Transport with Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

Decarbonizing Heavy-Duty and Commercial Transport with Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology

Heavy-duty and commercial transport are notorious for their significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in the European Union, where they account for a staggering 27% of total road transport emissions. However, there’s a promising solution on the horizon that’s set to revolutionize this sector – hydrogen fuel cell technology.

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Augmented Reality

Silvia Gonzalez explores how Emerson Movicon.NExT™ augmented reality (AR) technology is revolutionizing human-machine interfaces (HMI) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The article highlights how AR interfaces, delivered through devices like tablets and AR goggles, empower industrial operators in various ways. Operators can follow step-by-step instructions, receive training, and access data from hazardous areas safely.

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Accelerating Hydrogen Infrastructure: Key Insights in Our Whitepaper

Accelerating Hydrogen Infrastructure: Key Insights in Our Whitepaper

Hydrogen-fueled vehicles are on the rise, necessitating the development of reliable and efficient hydrogen fueling stations. However, scaling up such infrastructure poses unique challenges that require innovative solutions. In our new white paper, “How to Effectively Control Flow of Hydrogen Fuel to Improve Safety, Reliability, and Fueling Rates at Dispensing Stations,” we delve into these challenges and explore potential solutions for scaling hydrogen fueling infrastructure.

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The Top 4 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Improve Your Next Outage

The Top 4 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Improve Your Next Outage

Capturing the performance of the overall outage, measuring the effectiveness of the strategy, benchmarking for maintenance and reliability comparisons, and updating the customers’ documentation are crucial to the success of future events and plant operations between them. If overruns occurred, the source of those overruns should have already been approved prior to execution but should be part of the review process as well. This will be fed into the lessons learned documentation.

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How Automation Can Help End Users and Device Manufacturers Scale Up the Clean Hydrogen Economy

How Automation Can Help End Users and Device Manufacturers Scale Up the Clean Hydrogen Economy

Hydrogen fuel technology has reached a stage where it is past the prototype phase, and the industry is now looking to scale up. The fuel cell market, for instance, is forecast to grow at a robust 45.3% compound annual growth rate between 2022 and 2029, with projections of a market value reaching $17.88 billion. However, the potential growth of the industry is not guaranteed. There is still much work to be done, including increasing fueling stations and reducing the cost of producing green hydrogen. To mitigate risks and help hydrogen technology mature, strong partnerships between innovators and automation experts are needed. Automation experts can help hydrogen OEMs and end-users scale up capacity to meet market demands, keep projects on time and in budget, monitor hydrogen application performance, and ensure safety in volatile environments. With the help of automation experts, the hydrogen market can scale up and make a significant contribution towards achieving ambitious climate goals.

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Three Simple Steps To Improve Gas Train Performance

Three Simple Steps To Improve Gas Train Performance

Designing a fuel train system for a boiler, furnace, or oven requires careful consideration of various parameters. Flow is one of the key parameters that should be maximized to ensure optimal performance of the burner and prevent potential shutdowns due to low fuel pressure. However, poor flow in the fuel train can be a common issue, which can be addressed by selecting the right components.

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The Advantages of Digitalization in Clean-in-Place Systems

The Advantages of Digitalization in Clean-in-Place Systems

Clean-in-place (CIP) systems are a vital part of daily production in the food and beverage industry. They allow manufacturers to clean internal piping, tanks, and machines from one batch to the next to meet government regulations and ensure product quality and safety. However, CIP operations also represent a significant portion of a facility’s total utility costs and often involve manual process adjustments and manual data recording.

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