With respect to future releases, research is a key part of the Emerson planning process. The research team asked if I’d share a new survey on control systems they are currently conducting.
The survey shares various types of process control systems with you. Each type has a variety of features, and you will be asked to select which one you would be most likely to purchase. These products may or may not exist yet, and you’ll find some options more appealing and some less appealing. These questions allow the research team to understand which products are more appealing to you as a buyer and user.
Key areas they want to learn more about are system security, maintenance tools, total system lifecycle costs, integration with plant sub-systems, system setup and configuration, operator effectiveness, advanced process control, abnormal situation prevention, and price.
They survey presents a series of selections of three systems with varying degrees of capabilities in each of these areas. Through these selections, your choices help determine what’s important in the tradeoff of capability versus price.
Depending on how deeply you consider the choices, the survey should take from 15 to 30 minutes. For your time and efforts, each person who completes the survey will be entered into a drawing for one of four American Express gift cards worth $250 USD each.
The survey will run through the rest of 2009 and into the first week of 2010. I hope you can find some time to share your thoughts and help influence the forward direction of Emerson process automation technology.