Greg McMillan resumes his online demonstration / seminar (a.k.a. deminar) series this Wednesday, March 9, 2011. The subject will be PID and PIDPlus Split Range Control–How to reduce the discontinuity, nonlinearity, and oscillations across the split range point.
The deminar will begin at 10am North American Central time (16:00 UTC). This will be Greg’s 12th deminar. The prior 11 have been recorded and are available for viewing on demand. Here’s a playlist of all of Greg’s deminar recordings.
Greg shares quite a bit of his wisdom in these seminars to help you improve the performance of your plant. We hope you’ll be able to join us live, or if not, take advantage of one or more of the recorded versions. I’ll update this post with the recorded version once it’s uploaded and available.
Update: Here are links to the video recording and downloadable presentation.