Get Ready for the Emerson Global Users Exchange Technical Conference

by | Oct 2, 2012 | Event | 0 comments

Personal Scheduler Tool

The Emerson Global Users Exchange technical conference is next week in Anaheim, California. If you’ll be joining us, we look forward to a great event filled with sharing expertise, meeting new folks, and re-connecting with existing friends and acquaintances. Here’s a post with some of the logistics you’ll want to know about. Since there are so many sessions going on in parallel, you’ll want to plan the sessions you attend in the quiet of this week with the Personal Scheduler Tool.

If you’re not going to be able to join us, you can check in on the action several ways. The first is to join the Emerson Exchange 365 online community to see the flow of news. In the main news area (RSS feed), we’ll have a number of feeds for news, blog posts, and other items coming in.

Twitter will again play a large role. Follow the @EmersonExchange account and search on the #EMRex hashtag. This hashtag also highlights all of the activity going on within the Emerson Exchange 365 community.

Many of the experts we feature here on this blog will be presenting. Here’s the full list of abstracts (Excel-format). As an example, here are two presentations being given by Emerson’s Jonas Berge, whom you may recall from numerous posts on technology interoperability:

Device Revisions Management Best Practices – Is DD the problem or the solution? (Wednesday 11:00am Hilton Salinas, Thursday 2:15 PM, Hilton Lido C)

Abstract: Keeping the system up to date with new types and versions of 4-20 mA/HART, WirelessHART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, and PROFIBUS devices as they come into the plant over its operational life is a challenge in most plants. This workshop will explain the often misunderstood role of Device Description (DD) files in interoperability and compatibility, how to manage DD in projects, and how to keep the system up to date with intelligent devices. Users of Emerson devices on Emerson systems, Emerson devices on third-party systems, and third-party devices on Emerson systems benefit alike from this session.

Intelligent Device Management Best Practices – Incorporating Device Diagnostics in Daily Maintenance (Tuesday 8:00am Hilton Lido B, Thursday 3:15pm Hilton Laguna B)

Abstract: Intelligent on/off valves, electric actuators (MOV), gas chromatographs, tank gauging systems, along with all other instrumentation do self-diagnostics, reporting problems such as thermocouple degradation, entrained air or flame instability etc., and built-in continuous valve performance to intelligent device management software. But if nobody sees their alerts or check it, self-diagnostics is useless. This is a problem faced in many plants. This workshop will explain how to deploy the digital plant architecture or upgrade, the required engineering work, philosophy changes, and procedures

We look forward to seeing you in person or virtually in the social networks!

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