My friends in Chanhassen have been hard at work on the usability front. I connected with Emerson’s Alexander Miller to find out what’s the latest with the Rosemount 3051 pressure transmitter.
Alex pointed to two new innovative features — Local Operator Interface (LOI) and Power Advisory Diagnostic. I thought we might dig into the Power Advisory Diagnostic more closely in this post, come back, and look at the Local Operator Interface in a future post.
The thought behind the development of this diagnostic was to be able to detect and identify problems associated with the electrical loop occurring between the Rosemount 3051 and 3051S Series transmitters and the control system. Additionally, alerting the operations and maintenance teams before such issues negatively impact measurement values and control of the process. This diagnostic detects problems associated with corrosion, failing power supplies, wiring issues, and water intrusion. The diagnostic can be set up using any HART communication system (i.e. Field Communicator or AMS Device Manager), in three steps (see video below).
Alex noted that the Power Advisory Diagnostic tells you there is an issue occurring within your electrical loop, be it in a device or anywhere in the electrical loop between the transmitters, power supply, or control system I/O. Early detection can prevent costly outages by alerting you of a potential issue before you lose your measurement, helping avoid costly outages and dangerous trips to the field.
Alex and his team put together a demonstration video at the 2011 Emerson Exchange to highlight the Power Advisory Diagnostic in action.
They also have developed a new website together with the Rosemount 3051S Series of Instrumentation. New product videos, Interactive Demo Tours and Brochures of the Rosemount 3051 and 3051S Series instrumentation demonstrate these new capabilities and how they can be used to positively impact your operations and maintenance efforts.
I know from my days as a systems engineer working with our operations teams on offshore platforms, tracking down wiring issues can be a very frustrating and time-consuming task. Intermittent problems would keep us troubleshooting for days and cause spurious trips and unplanned downtime.
Power Advisory Diagnostic would have been a great tool to have to help us locate problems early and help minimize the downtime and troubleshooting time.