When analyzing Best Practices, you want to know if your control system is up to par. Not only do you want to know if you’re meeting or exceeding industry standards and benchmarks, but you want to ensure your system is reliable and performing optimally to generate the results you expect. So how do you compare?
Many customers have questions about improving reliability, security and managing the lifecycle of their installed DeltaV distributed control system. They want to know how well their system measures up related to overall health, cybersecurity standards and performance. With a Site Evaluation Service, you can take the first step by proactively and quantitatively analyzing your DeltaV DCS.
In this quick 2:17-minute video, Emerson’s Yoga Gorur, who is a Lifecycle Services Program Manager, explains how the Site Evaluation delivers results consistently, with quantified KPIs and areas for improvement clearly identified.Trained technical experts can pinpoint areas needing improvement and highlight potential issues related to process performance and uptime. This allows you to have a better understanding of the condition of your automation assets—and also identify opportunities for improvement.
As Yoga explains, there are five key dimensions that are evaluated as part of this service.
- The first two areas—Lifecycle and Spare Parts—focus on system availability and reliability.
- Cybersecurity Management and Data Protection focus on the security of the system.
- Alarm Management focuses on system performance.
- Optionally, if it is required, Power and Grounding can also be evaluated.
A detailed site report and discussion will highlight all the issues, good and bad, so you can maintain the efficiency and longevity of your system.
To receive a quantitative measure of performance of installed hardware and software, product lifecycle, backup and recovery activities, cyber protection, performance of alarms and more, please contact your local Emerson office.
From Jim: You can connect and interact with other control system lifecycle experts in the Improve and Modernize group in the Emerson Exchange 365 community.