Preventing Over-Pressurization with HIPPS

by | Aug 30, 2018 | Safety | 0 comments

Wikipedia defines a High-integrity pressure protection system (HIPPS) as:

…a type of safety instrumented system (SIS) designed to prevent over-pressurization of a plant, such as a chemical plant or oil refinery. The HIPPS will shut off the source of the high pressure before the design pressure of the system is exceeded, thus preventing loss of containment through rupture (explosion) of a line or vessel. Therefore, a HIPPS is considered as a barrier between a high-pressure and a low-pressure section of an installation.

In this 2:09 YouTube video, HIPPS, Emerson’s Carsten Thøgersen explains how high-integrity pressure protection systems reduce operational expenses, reduce safety risks and help comply with ever more stringent emissions regulations.

HIPPS allow a reduction or elimination of pressure relief systems. This means fugitive emissions are reduced and the risk of exposure to toxic gases is reduced.

Emerson HIPPS SolutionCarsten describes the components in HIPPS including the safety instrumented system (SIS) logic solver, sensors, and final control element—safety valve, actuator, digital valve controller. Together, these components provide a single-supplier, Emerson HIPPS solution to reduce complexity and risk.

He shares economic analysis of 20% reduction in pressure relief valves required and reduced operational expenditures of 30% or more.

With a conventional pressure relief system, an overpressure event requires inspection, parts replacement, and root cause analysis before the process can be restarted.

With HIPPS, the steps are eliminated or greatly reduced to bring the process back online more quickly. Depending on the process, this time difference and associated value of restored production can be significant.

Watch the video and read this Emerson HIPPS solution paper to learn more about the specific components.

Join us and interact with experts at the Oct. 1-5 Emerson Exchange conference in San Antonio, Texas for two HIPPS-related workshop:

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