Emerson’s Alena Johnson and Katie Stahl presented, An Integrated Solution from Well to Pipeline at the 2019 Emerson Exchange conference. Alena and Katie opened describing that they are part of the Emerson’s DP Flow business segment. DP (differential pressure) flow measurement is an important measurement in the oil & gas business.
Alena described how differential pressure works. A constriction is placed in the flow path such as an orifice plate. The pressure upstream and downstream of the constriction is measure and this differential is calculated along with the pipe cross section to determine the flow rate. It’s a versatile measurement for liquids and gases.
This session focused on the measurement of natural gas. Custody transfer is where one party changes ownership of the natural gas in its possession with the next part in the value chain. An AGA-3 meter tube is standard across the oil and gas industry for these custody transfer solutions.
The Rosemount 9175 Allocation Meter can be a part of a fully assembled and quality checked unit is ready to install without issues to eliminate potential installation issues and project delays. This solution can include the 4-hole conditioning orifice plate for allocation measurements. It does not require as much up- and downstream straight pipe run making it a great solution for tight spaces. Line sizes are currently for 2, 3 & 4 inch with work ongoing for larger line sizes.
Here’s a look at the integrated solution:
For solutions that don’t involve custody transfer requirements, a conditioning orifice plate can reduce the pipe run to only 2 pipe diameters instead of the traditional 6 diameters. The solution includes a Rosemount 4088 multivariable transmitter and a 9175 allocation meter.
Additional DP Flow solutions include the Rosemount Process Flow Meter which is for tougher application with all-welded construction.