Next week will be the first face-to-face gathering for an Emerson Exchange in the Americas since 2019. The entire Emerson team is anxious and excited to see you if you’ll be joining us in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area.
If you cannot join us, there are still plenty of ways to follow the action.
The Endeavor team, owners of the popular, Control & Control Design magazines, and many industry-related publications such as Food Processing, Pharma Manufacturing, Processing, Oil & Gas Journal, and more, will be sharing news from the happenings at Live from Emerson Global Users Exchange 2022.
Of course, I’ll be very active, blogging as many sessions as I possibly can here at Emerson Automation Experts. We’ll also have a few other folks posting, so brace yourselves for a heavy flow of posts next week.
The Automation Solutions social networks on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter will post many articles, blog posts, press releases, and other happenings. The event hashtag is #EmrEx, so look for what others share in LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
I’m not sure if we’ll get videos posted during the week, given all that is going on, but if we do, look for them on the Emerson Automation Solutions YouTube channel. Subscribe and get notified when videos get posted during and after the conference.
Finally, subscribe to email communications for any updates during or post-conference.
We look forward to seeing you there in person or via some of these methods. Have a great week!