Lura Parrent is a product manager for Emerson and provides technical support for Fisher safety instruments. She has many years of experience with Emerson and has previous experience as an applications engineer.

Posts by or with Lura Parrent

Simplifying Safety Valve Installation and Maintenance

Simplifying Safety Valve Installation and Maintenance

In a Hydrocarbon Processing article, “Simplifying Safety Valve Installation and Maintenance”, Kurtis Jensen & Lura Parrent highlight new technologies on how to simplify safety valve installations while improving performance and reliability.

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Valve Reliability in Safety Instrumented Functions

Valve Reliability in Safety Instrumented Functions

In a Hydrocarbon Engineering article, Improving safety shutdown valve reliability, Emerson’s Stanley Amirthasamy and Lura Parrent share ways to improve the reliability of final elements when they are safety valves. They open noting how safety valves are used to bring a process to a safe state.

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