A while back we set up a site called the DeltaV Bookstore in order to feature Emerson experts and other great minds in the world of process automation. The site links into the Amazon.com bookstore.
The first book we featured was Advanced Control Unleashed, by Emerson’s Terry Blevins and Willy Wojsznis, as well as Greg McMillan and Michael Brown. We’ve added many other books including many more from Greg McMillan and Chairman Emeritus Charles F. Knight’s Performance Without Compromise: How Emerson Consistently Achieves Winning Results.
I bring all this up because we recently received an email from Dr. Thomas Edgar of the University of Texas at Austin who identified a shortcoming we had with the bookstore:
The leading process control textbook in North America is not in your list; it is “Process Dynamics and Control” by Seborg, Edgar, and Mellichamp. Wiley, 2nd edition, 2004. You should add it to your bookstore, in that the authors have also worked with Emerson on research projects and with DeltaV.
Thank you Dr. Edgar for pointing out this omission so that we could remedy the situation.
If you have come across a book that has influenced your thinking on process automation, please add a comment.