As Walt Boyes recently reported in his coverage of the Emerson Exchange, a successful year has brought on the need for additional experts throughout Emerson Process Management.
Here in Austin, Texas where our Process Systems and Solutions organization is based there are quite a number of job openings for IT Professionals, Software Developers, and Project Engineers. There are even some Marketing Product Manager positions which I don’t see yet posted. And even more as you look at the various divisions within Emerson Process Management.
Take a look and if interested respond directly to the opportunity or email me and I’ll route it in the right direction.
Thanks to the safety expert who found the Emerson Process Experts blog and emailed me for giving me the idea for this blog post.
UPDATE: My friends in our Calgary-based Hydrocarbon and Energy Industry Center want me to also mention that the great Oil Sands projects in Northern Alberta require talented project engineers and managers.