The more quickly experts can respond to changing conditions by interpreting the available information and collaborating with other cross-functional experts, the more safely, reliably and efficiently will process manufacturing and production facilities operate. At the...
Integrated Operations
Integrated Operations Continue to Deliver Benefits in Today’s Oil Market
Authors: Jeff Dymond and Mike Boudreaux The reality of lower oil and gas prices is driving energy companies to operate differently. The lower price per barrel is squeezing profitability and pushing companies to contain costs, increase reliability, and respond quickly...
From Operators to Cross-Functional iOps Teams
Control rooms where operators monitor and control the process have changed over the years as technologies have advanced. Today with advances in communications technologies, this "room" can extend globally. In a Process Engineering article, Remote Controller, Emerson's...
Managing Coalbed Methane Wells Feeding LNG Plant
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities require careful pressure management on their incoming gas pipelines. In a recent LNG Industry article, Turn it Up (and Down), Emerson's Michael Calvert describes the challenges and solutions around the Santos Gladstone LNG (GLNG)...
Technology Helping Miners Lower Costs to Overcome Low Commodity Prices
Author: Juan Carlos Bravo Over the past several months, news of commodity prices being hit hard due the slowdown of China's economy has been a common theme. It was refreshing to read positive news among so much turmoil. The article, Rio saves $200m a year using...
iOps Command Centers for Oil and Gas Producers
A lot of change is occurring for oil and gas producers. Rapid staffing up to meet the demands of heavy project loads followed by heavy cutbacks of experienced people in the large drop in oil prices over the past year. These economic conditions, coupled with the...
Delegation of Control in Integrated Operations
Advancing technologies open up new possibilities to improve manufacturing and production processes. But, one of the great challenges is to revamp the work processes and procedures to best take advantage of these technologies. One example is in integrated operations...
Internet of Things in Process Instrumentation and Automation
If you subscribe or follow many of the process instrumentation and automation publications, web sites, and/or social channels, you know that the Internet of Things (IoT), also known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a frequent topic of conversation....
Gas Chromatograph and Wireless Network Case Study
Hydrocarbon producers and transporters need to know the composition of the gases and liquids for accurate custody transfer and reliable, efficient operations. Gas chromatographs are often used to identify the composition of the fluids. In a Petromin Pipeliner magazine...
Reduce Downtime and Protect Your Plant
By: Jocelyn Sexton Monitoring a control system can pose many challenges. When dealing with numerous technologies and/or remote locations, operators can experience information overload. Technology is always evolving, and training costs can be high. And while 24x7x365...
Remote Vibration Monitoring Case Study
Technology is great for solving problems, especially for complex problems when it's couple with expertise. But in many cases, the technology and the expertise is separated geographically. Thankfully communications technologies continue to advance to bridge the...
Improving Drilling Operation Safety and Efficiency
Over the past several months we've been highlighting the recorded versions from the Well Pad Automation Webinar Series. These have included: Best Practices for Well Pad Automation Key Considerations for Improving Production Separation On the Level about Better Tank...
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