Properly tuned loops are critical to efficient, effective plant performance. However, constant changes in the plant environment mean that proportional-integral-derivative (PID) tuning cannot be a set-and-forget procedure. This poses a problem for many modern plants,...
PID tuning
Award-Winning Article on Tips for Control Loop Performance
A few weeks ago, I recapped an article by Emerson's Mark Coughran, Know when to look outside the PID tuning. It turns out that this article was not only filled with the wisdom that Mark has accumulated over the many years as a...
PID Control History and Advancements
PID (proportional-integral-derivative) control, a foundational control technology for process manufacturers, has been with us since the early 1900s. In a Control Engineering article, Evolving PID Tuning Rules - A Brief History, Starting With The Earliest PID...
Enjoy New Orleans and Learn Process Automation this Week
I had the pleasure of beginning my process automation career in New Orleans, Louisiana working as a Conoco systems engineer on offshore oil & gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. New Orleans' food, festivities, sights and sounds are firmly embedded in my memories....
Simplify PID Tuning to Meet Process Objectives Webinar
Today must be the day to make you aware of January 16 webinars. I have another one to share with you, Simplify PID Tuning to Meet Process Objectives, by Control Talk blog's Greg McMillan. The webinar is scheduled for 12:30-1:30pm EST (9:30-10:30am PST) on Jan 16. You...
Control Loop Foundation Learning Website
Emerson's Terry Blevins and Mark Nixon's new book, Control Loop Foundation - Batch and Continuous Processes was highlighted in an earlier post here on the blog. As I noted in the post, the intent of the book was to give automation professionals a foundation in process...
Busting Deadtime Compensation Myths
Greg McMillan resumes his demo/seminar (a.k.a. deminar) series this Wednesday, Oct 13, at 10am CDT/13:00 UTC. His topic will be Dead Time Compensator Myth Buster. He'll tackle the following myths: Deadtime is eliminated from loop Control is faster for existing tuning...
Ongoing Control Performance Improvements
I caught up with Emerson's James Beall, a principal process control consultant who helps manufacturers optimize their processes. You may recall James from numerous control performance-related posts. If you ever attend an Emerson Exchange conference, James is one of...
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